The Rihanna puns will stop when the NBC Program with Ratings produce a Kelly Clarkson of their own...or when the Knockouts end. Whichever comes first...-_-
After yesterday's aired showing [and alleged T/Tea that Ellie Lawrence had laryngitis the day of her Knockouts...-_-], Mr. and Mr. Shevine, Gwen and Pharrell continue narrowing down their teams to Live Playoff presentation.
In favorites corner, Madi Davis survived and now Regina Love, Evan McKeel, Tim Atlas and Shelby Brown await their fates.
These are the nouns, pronouns, gerunds, banter, marklar, fuckery, FlirtCruiting and questionable song choices that transpired...
Let's play rough and get it on! *NOTE: It's fresh as a flower in roughly an hour because that tubid game show is on again. Goddamn Neil Patrick Harris...*
First up, Korin Bukowski vs. Summer Schappell of Team Gwen. Korin picked "All I Want" by Kodaline. STAY AWAY FROM DEANNA JOHNSON'S SONG YOU UNWORTHY WRETCH. Summer picked "Little White Church" by Little Big Town. Rehearsals indicate Korin was still ~quirky~/uncomfortable with existing...oh and nerves were screwing with her already underdeveloped singing. Summer was apparently trying to be "sassy" with a country song. Miscasting on fleek as Summer...has no personality in or outside of singing.
Come showtime, Korin was less ~quirky~ and more bearable graded against herself. Keeping with contestants, she's still terrible. Plus most of her notes sounded monotonous on top of being botched as fuck. Summer did end up possessing some hammy theatrics, but her singing was awful. Sans fuckery, Gwen picked Korin as the winner. Summer was not stolen and was booted from S9. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Second, Dustin Christensen vs. Keith Semple of Team Adam.
Dustin picked "Free" by Zac Brown Band. Keith picked "I Want To Know What Love Is" by Foreigner. -_- Rehearsals indicate Dustin was trying to incorporate "genre-hopping" into his identity. Rihanna in turn called out vibrato on Dustin and telling him when to use it. Keith was given technical notes to hit but arena rock selection made me tune out like it was my job to.
Come showtime, Dustin pulled an Austin Jenckes of being consistent but being COMPLETELY BORING; a death knell on the show if there's always one constant thing about it. Keith played off of the fact that his song selection "resonates" with people in the cheapest way [no effort given but wanting people to make noise? VERY ~arena rock!~] Sans fuckery, Adam picked Keith as the winner. Dustin is not stolen and is given the boot from S9.
Finally, Darius Scott vs. Morgan Frazier of Team Pharrell. Darius picked "On Broadway" by The Drifters & George Benson. Morgan picked "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" by Eli Young Band. Rehearsals indicate Darius went ahead with a song "in his wheelhouse" like people should. Yet, his potential was clocked for seeming like he was resting on his laurels. Morgan was being clocked for being too stiff/being a perfectionist in vocals with some personality critiques as well.
Come showtime, Darius sounded like he had more "pizzazz" but it still came across so low-energy. Still his soulfulness carried him for 2/3 of the performance. Morgan sounded less boring than she had in the past, but she still sounds beige especially for a country aspiring act. Sans fuckery, Pharrell picked Darius as the winner. Last Knockout means the steal was used and Blake used it on Morgan.
All in all, no favorites competed so I really didn't give a fuck about these contestants. OH WELL.
Up next for scrutiny, Part III of The Knockouts.
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