Another update and this time it involves Anthony Riley's legal representation.
Via []
In a statement made by Evan Shingles, "Anthony indicated to me that he has some medical issues that would make it impossible for him to continue on The Voice." but would go on to add "What those are, I don’t know."
Shingles also quells the previously debunked rumors swirling Riley that he had refused to be paired with Mia Z and that his political tweet getting him DQ'ed was not only falsified but not at the hands of Riley. The article asserts that a "disgruntled former manager" had taken Riley's Twitter account and tweeted support for Mumia Abu-Jamal.
At the end of the article it was revealed that Riley was in a studio recording music with a bandmate in Pittsburgh [which in turn seems to check out with a claim that Riley is performing sometime in May in Morgantown, West Virginia].
Overall, this is exactly the kind of statement we need to further debunk the forum claims.
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